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What level are you?

We provide Dutch courses for all levels, from absolute beginners to advanced

Level 1: 🐣 

Learn the basics (level A0 to A1)

Welcome to the Netherlands – it's time to immerse yourself in a new culture! At the moment you have very little or no prior knowledge of the Dutch language. At this level, you will be able to interact in a simple way. You can understand and use familiar everyday expressions as well as basic phrases. You are able to use the present tense.


Level 2: 🐥

Start understanding (level A1 to A2)
You have a wider vocabulary and have good pronunciation skills. You can understand and use basic expressions and have tools to form sentences. You are able to use the past tense and future tense.

Level 3: 🐤

Master the basics (level A2 to A2+)

At this level, you can build your own sentences in the present and past tenses, as well as write a simple email and/or letter. You know about word order and are beginning to feel comfortable conversing in Dutch. You can tell an uncomplicated story and talk about your past and future plans with friends, colleagues and family. 

At this level, you can apply for the inburgeringsexamen.

Level 4: 🐦

Beyond the basics (level A2+ to B1)

At this level, you have implemented Dutch in your daily life; you can communicate clearly and you are confident in writing short amounts of text. You can read newspapers or watch simple Dutch television shows. You can now talk about more complicated subjects like politics or current affairs. 

Level 5: 🦆

Be confident speaking Dutch (level B1 to B1+)

At this level, you feel more confident speaking Dutch. You can give a presentation about a hobby or an interest. You can present your point of view on a non-complex topic, and your Dutch writing skills are improving.

At this level, you can apply for the Staatsexamen Nt2-I.

Level 6: 🦉

Continuous improvement (level B1+ to B2-)

Your knowledge of Dutch approaches the level of a native speaker, both in spoken and written form. You can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions, and briefly explain your viewpoints and the incentives behind your plans.


At this level, you can apply for the Staatsexamen Nt2-II.

Level 7 🕊

Making it perfect! (level B2 > C1 > C2)

Your Dutch is almost fluent, but you need help from an experienced Dutch teacher to reach your specific goal(s).

Do you want to be confident speaking with Dutch clients or give a successful presentation at work in Dutch?

Do you want to find a (new) job within a Dutch company, succeed in your career and develop your working vocabulary and communicate clearly?

SCHEDULE a 15-minute meeting or BOOK a trial lesson to discuss the possibilities for you!

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